Violencia Doméstica
Domestic violence charges can be incredibly disruptive and traumatic in someone’s life. They can lead to serious legal consequences such as jail time, fines, and a criminal record, as well as emotional consequences such as anxiety, depression, and difficulty maintaining personal relationships. Additionally, domestic violence charges can impact one’s employment, housing, and custody rights. It is essential to have experienced attorneys who can provide legal representation and support during this challenging time, helping to navigate the legal system and minimize the impact of these charges on one’s life.
Nuestro Enfoque:
At Shnider Law Firm, we approach domestic violence cases with aggression, proactiveness, experience, compassion, and understanding. We take a thorough and strategic approach to each case we handle, carefully analyzing the evidence and developing a defense strategy tailored to your case’s circumstances. Our attorneys recognize the complex dynamics that can be present in domestic violence cases, which can be difficult, and are committed to providing our clients and their families with the support they need.
The following five qualities characterize our approach to domestic violence cases:
- Aggressive: Our approach is fierce and always centered on the needs of our clients.
- Proactive: We proactively approach your case by working with the DA’s office even before charges are filed. We don’t adopt a “wait and see” approach.
- Experienced: Our team of highly skilled defense attorneys includes former prosecutors who were assigned to the Domestic Violence Prosecution unit.
- Passionate: We are passionate about protecting the freedom and future of our clients and commit ourselves entirely to their cases.
- Award-winning: Our firm is recognized as one of the Bay Area’s top-rated criminal defense firms.
As previously noted, “domestic violence” encompasses various criminal charges in California. Typically, a domestic violence case involves an accusation of violence against an individual with whom the defendant has a specific type of relationship. California Penal Code Section 13700 defines crimes as “domestic violence.” According to this section, an offense can be prosecuted as “domestic violence” in California if the purported victim is:
- The defendant’s current or former spouse
- The defendant’s cohabitant
- The mother or father of the defendant’s child
- Engaged or previously engaged to marry the defendant
- Previously or currently in a dating relationship with the defendant
What is relevant is the nature of the relationship, or past relationship, between the defendant and the victim. It’s important to note that in California, even a prior relationship between the defendant and the alleged victim can result in a criminal case being charged as “domestic violence.” Furthermore, a domestic violence offense does not necessarily have to occur within the home.
A Criminal Protective Order (CPO) can be equally as restrictive as an EPO, but it can last much longer. Under a CPO, a judge can order you to refrain from harming, threatening, contacting, or coming within a certain distance of the alleged victim in a domestic violence case. California Penal Code Section 136.2 enables a judge to issue a CPO based on “good cause,” which is a belief that harm, dissuasion, or intimidation of a victim or witness has occurred or is likely to occur. A “good cause” belief that you previously harmed or threatened the alleged victim-which often serves as the basis for a domestic violence charge itself-can be used as the basis for a CPO. It is important to note that the judge does not have to be convinced that you are currently a threat to the alleged victim or plan to dissuade or intimidate them.
A CPO can remain in effect for up to ten (10) years, even after the resolution of the case and completion of your sentence. Given that CPOs are common in domestic violence cases, and the Penal Code mandates that judges consider issuing them at different stages of a domestic violence case, it is essential to find ways to challenge a CPO and reduce its restrictions throughout the case.
-Do Not Harm, Annoy, or Molest Order (“No-HAM”)
A “no-harm, annoy, or molest” order, commonly called a “No-HAM,” is the least restrictive type of CPO. It permits you to contact and be in the alleged victim’s presence as long as the contact remains peaceful and you do not “harm, annoy, or molest” them. If it appears that a CPO will be issued in your case, downgrading it to a “no-HAM” is generally considered a favorable outcome.
Penalties for Domestic Violence Crimes in California
California’s domestic violence laws are very serious and can result in severe consequences for those arrested for these crimes. Some of the worst-case scenarios associated with domestic violence charges include:
- Deportation: Many domestic violence crimes are considered “removable offenses,” meaning that they can lead to loss of legal status in the United States or deportation.
- Loss of freedom: Domestic violence felonies can carry punishments of up to one year in county jail or up to three years in state prison. In addition, most domestic violence charges are not eligible for alternative jail programs like electronic monitoring or “weekend work” programs.
- Loss of time: All domestic violence charges require a mandatory 52-week “Conflict & Accountability” class as part of any probation.
- Loss of money: Fines of up to $10,000 can sometimes be ordered.
- Loss of career: Domestic violence charges can pose an extreme risk to one’s career and financial livelihood.
- Disruption of household: Judges may issue a mandatory “stay away” order at the first court appearance, even when the party co-parents a child or live in the same house.
California Domestic Violence Laws
Some of the most common domestic violence charges in California include:
- Penal Code 273.5 – Inflicting Corporal Injury on a Spouse or Cohabitant: This charge is filed when an intimate partner is injured or has visible marks of injury caused by physical force. It is a felony offense.
- Penal Code 243(e)(1) – Domestic Battery: This charge is filed when physical force is used against an intimate partner, but no injury occurs. It is a misdemeanor offense.
- Penal Code 273.6 – Violating a Restraining Order: This charge is filed when someone violates a restraining order to protect an intimate partner from harm. It can be a felony or misdemeanor offense.
- Penal Code 422 – Criminal Threats: This charge is filed when someone threatens to harm an intimate partner, and the threat causes the victim to fear for their safety. It is a felony offense.
- Penal Code 368 – Elder Abuse: This charge is filed when a caregiver or family member physically or emotionally abuses an elder or dependent adult. It can be a felony or misdemeanor offense.
Nuestros Servicios:
- Assault Charges: Domestic violence charges often involve allegations of assault or battery. Our attorneys have experience in defending against assault charges and are committed to protecting your rights and your freedom.
- Criminal Defense: If you have been accused of domestic violence, our attorneys are here to provide you with the strong criminal defense you need. We will explore every possible avenue to ensure your rights are protected and you receive a fair trial.
¿Por qué elegir Shnider Law Firm?
- Personal and Professional Experience: Our attorneys have years of experience handling domestic violence cases. We deeply understand the legal system and are well-versed in the intricacies of domestic violence litigation.
- Compassionate and Supportive: Domestic violence charges can be emotionally overwhelming. Our attorneys are here to provide you with the legal representation and support you need to navigate this difficult time.
- Comprehensive Approach: We take a comprehensive approach to each case we handle, exploring every possible avenue to ensure the best possible outcome.
If you are facing domestic violence charges, seeking legal representation as soon as possible is crucial. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. We are here to protect your rights and provide you with the best possible defense.

aaron j. shnider
Preguntas Frecuentes
¿Debería contratar a un abogado que solo practica derecho penal?
Elija a un abogado especializado en derecho penal. El derecho penal es complejo ya que hay cambios todos los días. Siempre hay nuevas leyes que se aprueban, las cuales también son interpretadas de manera diferente por los tribunales. Es un trabajo de tiempo completo mantenerse al día con los últimos desarrollos. Como resultado de la complejidad del derecho penal, algunos abogados se especializan en apelaciones, por ejemplo. La investigación legal y las mociones son los únicos servicios proporcionados por abogados confiables. Algunos abogados se especializan solo en DUIs.
Algunos abogados se especializan solo en casos de asesinato. Practicar exclusivamente el derecho penal permite a un abogado estar al día con los últimos desarrollos en el campo.
No es aconsejable contratar con cualquier abogado en San José, CA, especialmente cuando se trata de Derecho Penal. Tratándose de asuntos legales como este, es crucial buscar a un abogado quien se especialice en Derecho Penal. Un abogado criminal de California posee experticia a profundidad y conocimiento actualizado de las últimas leyes y casos que pueden impactar su situación. Optar por un abogado con experticia en ley criminal asegura que usted reciba la representación más efectiva y una guía personalizada para su caso en específico.
¿Qué pasa si el abogado tiene un mal historial con el Colegio de Abogados del Estado de California?
El Colegio de Abogados del Estado de California recomienda que contrate a un abogado que tenga un historial limpio. ¿Quiere contratar a un abogado con un mal historial? Por su bienestar, es imperativo seleccionar una firma de abogados quienes asignen su caso a un abogado de alto grado en San José, CA, con un historial de excelencia, desprovisto de errores significativos o errores de juicio. Antes de contratar por su representación legal, es aconsejable cuestionar sobre el historial de comportamiento del abogado en el Colegio de Abogados del Estado, asegurando transparencia y responsabilidad en su conducta profesional.
¿Qué tan importante es la experiencia para un abogado de defensa criminal?
Contrate los servicios de un abogado experimentado. Puede ser genial contratar a un abogado nuevo. ¿Se siente cómodo con ese abogado aprendiendo sobre la marcha mientras maneja su caso? ¿Preferiría contratar a un profesional experimentado? No hay duda de que la práctica hace al maestro en general, así como cuando se trata de abogados de defensa criminal. Asegúrese de contratar a un abogado con la experiencia para manejar su caso.
Si tengo la intención de declararme culpable, ¿debería seguir contratando a un abogado?
¿Decidiendo representarse a sí mismo? Hable con un abogado. Si los cargos son menores y directos, puede expresarse. Sin embargo, es posible que necesite aprender qué le depara el caso. Tenga en cuenta que su libertad podría estar en riesgo y existe la posibilidad de que vaya a la cárcel. Un abogado puede proteger sus derechos y ayudarlo en su caso. Es posible que pueda negociar un trato mejor con un abogado incluso para delitos menores. Sin embargo, si lo acusan de un delito grave, nunca debería representarse a sí mismo. Las consecuencias de los delitos graves son demasiado severas.
Su Equipo de Defensa Criminal
¿Está enfrentando cargos criminales y necesita un abogado defensor criminal experto y experimentado? No busque más allá de Shnider Law Firm. Encabezado por el Abogado Shnider, nuestro bufete tiene un historial probado de defender con éxito a clientes enfrentando cargos criminales en California.
Aquí hay tres razones por las que destacamos:
Experiencia: Our San Jose Drug Crime Lawyer Attorney Shnider has over 13 years of experience in criminal defense and has handled a wide range of cases, from minor traffic offenses to major felony charges. He deeply understands the criminal justice system and knows how to navigate it to protect your rights and freedom effectively.
Enfoque Personalizado: Entendemos que cada caso es único y cada cliente tiene diferentes necesidades. Es por eso que tomamos un enfoque personalizado para cada caso, trabajando en estrecha colaboración con nuestros clientes para entender su situación y desarrollar una estrategia a medida para sus necesidades específicas.
Resultados: Nuestro objetivo es lograr el mejor resultado posible para nuestros clientes. Tenemos un historial probado de defender con éxito a clientes y lograr resultados favorables, incluyendo absolución, cargos y sentencias reducidos.
No permita que el sistema de justicia criminal controle su futuro. Contacte al Bufete de Abogados Shnider hoy mismo y déjenos luchar por usted.
¿Tus derechos están siendo violados? ¡Defiéndete con expertos abogados en defensa criminal!
Se Habla Español
El bufete de abogados Shnider de California ha ayudado a cientos de clientes a lo largo de una década defendiéndolos de litigios penales; como tal, los resultados de los casos muestran nuestro compromiso y los resultados de nuestro trabajo. El abogado en San José CA ha estado en la industria durante más de 15 años, con numerosos casos resueltos y defendidos para sus clientes. El bufete de abogados Shnider está dirigido por el abogado Aaron Shnider, un abogado de derecho penal de California, por lo tanto, con una inmensa experiencia en defensas de litigios de la ley de delincuentes sexuales de California. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información Sobre nosotros y los códigos legales de EE. UU.